Newsbeat's Booze Calculator

Yep a Booze Calculator ... unfortunately it doesn't have these questions:-

"Did you get laid?" ...

"How many drinks did you buy her?" (this is relevant because it is only set to calculate how much you spent on yourself but doesn't take into account the drinks you bought for the woman you was chatting up)

"Did you get pissed and if so can you remember how many you had?"

lt really should have had this question though "Do you give a toss?"

Try it out


  1. It's easy to work out how much you spent. Check the wallet in the morning and realise you spent the bloody lot! ;)


"In the eyes of the Tribunal the review letter contained several preconceptions, prejudgments and non-sequiturs"

"the absurdity of this reason is demonstrated by simply stating it"

"We therefore find that Mr Sked misdirected himself as to the Policy in carrying out the review and his decision is therefore one that no reasonable review officer could have arrived at."

... commonly known here at N2D as 'Skeds' ... that is to say these are Judges comments regarding UKBA Review Officer Ian Sked's reasons for rejecting peoples appeals against seizures.

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