We smoked in our apartments as did our neighbours and other people we saw on our travels. The apartments all have very good extractors and also on the last morning if you open all the doors and windows, spray some Febreeze or similar around ... no-one knows any different.
EU Cross-Border Shopping Guide
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We Return!
These were taken 03.15 am on Monday morning. The festivities had officially finished at 03.00 at Jaks. Apologies for being out of focus etc but personally l think they're excellent considering our state:) After the photo opportunity, we all meandered back to one of the apartments to partake in some more alcohol, smokes, food and music. Everyone was finally in bed for 05.30 hrs ... only to be up for 08.30 hrs to pack and come home. We left at approx 10.00 am, having organised a driver of the minibus as none of us were capable of taking on that task.
The Venue
Skegness Rock n Blues long weekend. There's 3 stages, Reds, Jaks and Centre Stage. Jaks is the smaller venue whilst the other 2 are the main ones. The bands were excellent again this year, my personal favourites being Band of Friends and Virgil and the Accelerators. Different bands play every afternoon from 12.30 to about 4.30 and then on again from 7.30 onwards. All in all l reckon theres about 30+ bands on in total so we tend to wander a bit unless a certain band grabs us. Whatever, we always end up in Jaks for the end of the night as it's the last to close.
Our Apartment
This is what our apartment is like. Great size and accommodates 6 people easily and of course we had 2 apartments due to there being 11 of us. We bring food and alcohol for the weekend ... the alcohol being the most important. Hip flasks and various containers are used to take the alcohol into the gigs but l must say that this year was the the most laid back l've ever seen security. Last year they made a token gesture to search for alcohol but this time they didn't even do that. :)
All apartments are non-smoking! .... yeah, right :) Seems someone was putting these stickers about that said otherwise.
We smoked in our apartments as did our neighbours and other people we saw on our travels. The apartments all have very good extractors and also on the last morning if you open all the doors and windows, spray some Febreeze or similar around ... no-one knows any different.
We smoked in our apartments as did our neighbours and other people we saw on our travels. The apartments all have very good extractors and also on the last morning if you open all the doors and windows, spray some Febreeze or similar around ... no-one knows any different.
Had a few ciggies in the venues too but for the most part used the e-ciggie whilst in them. Actually the e-ciggie produces more 'smoke' than real ciggies but no-one batted an eyelid anyway.
Our day to day schedule
We didn't have one! Everyone did there own thing but it always seemed to follow a certain path. First night we ended up in Jaks and got back to someones apartment for more drinks and some food. Bed was usually achieved by 04.00am. Get up the next day, have some breakfast and smokes then out to the venues for drinks and the bands. Get back around 17.00 hrs, have something to eat, crash out for an hour or so and then get ready (along with a few drinks) to go out again for around 19.30. Repeat the next day.
We met up with our friend Bob!
lt was a bloody great time. God knows how much alcohol we consumed. l took 5 bottles of Jack, 6 litres of wine alone. The girls brought vodka and wine, the boys brought cases of beer and various Bourbon. We didn't bring any home!
We also found a very good way to tell if you've had enough ... you either crash-out or pass-out.
lf you need a visual example ... here is our Jussy at around 04.00 am Sunday morning ... still there at 10.30am albeit now covered with a quilt!
edited! :)
So endeth our Skegness Rock n Blues 2013 ... we'll be back for 2014. Why don't you come along too! :) You won't regret it although your head might first thing in the morning :)
(Special thanks to Zaphod, Mascot, Holly, Jussy, Phil, Chris. John, Cobber, Steph & Katy ... plus all the friends we met ... new and old ... for making it such a damn good time)
"In the eyes of the Tribunal the review letter contained several preconceptions, prejudgments and non-sequiturs"
"the absurdity of this reason is demonstrated by simply stating it"
"We therefore find that Mr Sked misdirected himself as to the Policy in carrying out the review and his decision is therefore one that no reasonable review officer could have arrived at."
... commonly known here at N2D as 'Skeds' ... that is to say these are Judges comments regarding UKBA Review Officer Ian Sked's reasons for rejecting peoples appeals against seizures.
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You guys are crazy. Respect
ReplyDeleteSeriously I would love to hang out with you guys lol!