The 'Morning' after ....

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Groan .... morning ... need coffee .... need ciggies ... groan

......... later, ok?


  1. my mother said always put things away after youve used them. :=)

  2. *Several bottles of JD, Beer and Sherry

    *Non Duty Paid Cigarettes, Steaks, party snacks

    *waking up naked with your face in a fruit bowel full of someone else's sick with a splitting headache and a new tattoo...



"In the eyes of the Tribunal the review letter contained several preconceptions, prejudgments and non-sequiturs"

"the absurdity of this reason is demonstrated by simply stating it"

"We therefore find that Mr Sked misdirected himself as to the Policy in carrying out the review and his decision is therefore one that no reasonable review officer could have arrived at."

... commonly known here at N2D as 'Skeds' ... that is to say these are Judges comments regarding UKBA Review Officer Ian Sked's reasons for rejecting peoples appeals against seizures.

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